Boot Camps with No Weights

Boot Camps with No Weights

These travel-friendly Boot Camp workouts don’t require the use of any weights, so you can throw your mini-band in your suitcase and SWEAT while on vacation! For comfort, a workout mat or towel may be needed for some workouts depending on the floor surface you are working out on. All of these Boot Camps are 2 Round Workouts and should be completed twice. They are intended to be repeated, however, you can always mix & match by doing 1 round each of 2 different workouts.

-Begin with a 4-5 minute warm-up (either from the playlist or on your own)

-Complete 2 rounds of the 2 Round Boot Camp Workout you’ve selected

-Follow with 1 round of a Burner/Finisher Workout if desired (many of the Burners/Finishers don’t require weights)

-Finish with a 4-5 minute cool down (either from the playlist or do your own)

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Boot Camps with No Weights